Saturday, February 16, 2008

Science Exit Projects

It's that time of year when we will be working on our Science Exit Projects. This post will be used for anything related to your groups science exit project. If you have any questions for me or any of your classmates, post them as a comment and they will be reviewed. Good Luck!


Anonymous said...

I need help with my science exit project! I dont know if this is a good thing or not, but the plate where I tested the garbage can germs is growing mold!
What do I do?


The Riccardo Science Zone said...

It's possible that the plate may have been contaminanted. Welcome to the wonderful world of microbiology! Bring it in on Maonday and let's take a look at what you have so far.

Anonymous said...

wats up dude

my science project is can a body of a person effect their limit in excercise.


Anonymous said...

Hey Mr.Riccardo i need help with my science project. im doing it on if the temperature of the water affects how the magnet atrracts a paper clip. is it a good science project or not?? HHEELLPP

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr.R
I need your help I'm thinking of doing the science project about which side of the egg can take a stronger force. Can you give me idea of what I could put on top of the sides of the egg to find out what side is stronger.

Alexander Morales 739

The Riccardo Science Zone said...

Jason F.

Did you get this to work in regular room temperature water? How did you set it up? Can you think on any other way to change the water, perhaps putting something in it? try it first, then we'll see if we candesign an experiment around it.

The Riccardo Science Zone said...


you could try using books. The thing is you need something to hold the egg while you try to test it for strength. You can fill a plastic cup with some clay to hold the egg, and then you can put things on top to see how much it'll hold. You will need a scale and lots of eggs. I'll tell you more on monday.

The Riccardo Science Zone said...


How do you plan to test this?

Anonymous said...

i plan to 4 test subjects a below weight person,normal weight person,slightly heavier person,and the heaviest person at
the end.

Anonymous said...

Elira 739
Mr.Ricardo this is my science extra credit.
They harvest and produce there own wine. The soil and weather in Etheopia is vry good for growing crops. They harvest there crops twice a year. They export 70% and keep 30%. The countries favorite wine is honey wine.
Hope you like it. =]

Anonymous said...

hey this is the website that has the mood rings
our ring size is 7
the item nubers are
(2) item#312bj

Anonymous said...

bring in the styrophome cut and the solopanel

Anonymous said...

hey mr riccardo me and chris are changing our project. were doin it on which substance mixed with water frezzes slower than regular water like Gelitin, sugar, alcahol, etc....... is their any science in it????

The Riccardo Science Zone said...

Jason & Chris,

Yes there are some testable questions for that project. What do you have in mind? We can talk about more in class tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Riccardo,
The article i did for my extra credit was Exhibitors Raided At German Tech Fair.This was about items in the fair that were patent. Police and customs took away dozens of boxes of phones, Navigation devices and other objects.This was held in Central German City. This also concerned MP3's, MP4's, DVD players and more.Also more then 180 officials were invlooved. =}}}

Anonymous said...

HEY mr.riccardo all me and mariah have to do is write our report down in word do we haave to prsent our project to the class when everybodys done or just give t you and thats it..

by: kimberly u and mariah p

The Riccardo Science Zone said...

Nice work girls! I'm looking forward to your presentation.

Anonymous said...

dear mr.r
are group is done with all the data and i finished my report i will show you monday.
sabri g. 733

Anonymous said...

I.S.93 Ashley Varela
734 3-28-08

Would baking soda and vinegar blow up a balloon?

My hypothesis is that the baking soda and vinegar will blow up a balloon.

Have you ever tired blowing a balloon with out wasting your breath? Well There's an other way too. In my science exit project theirs is. I would prove to you that my hypothesis is right, you can blow a balloon with baking soda and vinegar. Read on and my steps to show you the way to blow a balloon with baking soda and vinegar.

-Baking Soda
-Soda Bottle (12 oz)

Step 1: Take The Bottle
Step 2: Pour a little bit of vinegar in the bottle.
Step 3: Then pour baking soda in the bottle too.
*Not too much!*
Step 4: HURRY UP…put the balloon on top of the bottle before the baking soda and vinegar goes up.
Step 5: Now watch the balloon blow up.

For this experiment this NO observations. All you have too see is the balloon blows up or not from the baking soda and vinegar.

As you can see my hypothesis was right. You can blow a balloon with baking soda and vinegar. Hope you had fun doing my experiment with me.

If I was to do this experiment again next year, I would of done differently is try something else. Like to use other stuff unlike baking soda and vinegar.

-Ashley Varela 734

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr.Riccardo,
i have just read the article "Muslims "Overtake" Catholics, Become Largest Religion". It was about the muslim/islam religion becoming the 1st largest religion population in the world. They are about 19.2 percent of the worlds popluation. However, the catholic relgion is about 17.4 percent. Overall, the christians and catholics make about 33 percent. Researchers say the cause is because muslim families tend to have more children.
I enjoyed this article because i found very interesting. I find religion as a topic very interesting.
Elira Cece 739

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Riccardo,
I just read an article about how the new fossil is the World's Oldest Plant-Eating Lizard. It is a very unique fossil found in Japan. The lizard had to be about 13 inches based on how its skull was shaped. Only 3 percent of herbivorous lizards exist and most of them eat flesh, usually insects, or a combination of flesh and plants. The oldest known plant-eating lizard was Dicothodon. It lived in North America about 100million years ago. But this new lizard in Japan was here about 130 million years ago. It is sofar one of the rarest lizards. Still today new species and animal fossils are being found.
I enjoyed this article because it interests me to see and hear about new species being discovered. Especially one as rare as this lizard!
Elira Cece 739 =]

Anahi said...

I read this article about the first ever lungless frog found in Indonesia! The frog instead of breathing through lungs, it breathes through its skin!
thats weird and amazing!

Anonymous said...

Ah Mr.Riccardo !

Hiiiiiiiiii !!!!!!!
We miss you :[

Science isn't the same without your awesomeness !

-Amber :D

Anonymous said...

hey mr.riccardo can i call you anthony you are not my teacher any more whatever it wont feel right i miss you and your pets
ow yah how did your wife react when you brought them home.
i have to go im in class bye
p.s r u thinking of baby names!!!

Anonymous said...

hey mr.riccardo wats up im bored im in science class.just kidding im not bored but i am in science class.-amil

Anonymous said...

wats up we miss you we is amil and anahi!!!!!!!!!!!!=] you should come visit us
remember that anahi is the worlds biggest harry potter fan ! =) anahi wrote that w/e bye biker dude
amil and anahi =D

Anonymous said...

hey buddy this is jamel u had my sister in ur class her name is anonymous.. Amil told me ur were her fav teacher.. just wanted to say thank u ...
(P.S i hope u noe it was a joke with wat i did with her nanme nd i hope u dony think am da slow)

(P.S again i like pie nd me no english)
werd to big bird!!!

Seed Magazine